Tuesday, 6 August 2013

Anthargange @ KOLAR

Hello, I really want people to ask me "how was your weekend ?" because I had a great great and great weekend. Trekking and cave exploration at midnight and above all the bonus was I got to sleep on a rock under open sky of stars; totally loved it.

Anthargange is a beautiful rocky hill range, which is about 1226 mtrs high in Kolar. This place has a lot of caves formed out of rocks.

We started at around 9:30 pm from Lifestyle, Magrath Road with a bunch of other groups and reached Anthargange around 11:00 pm. We started the trekking at around 11:45 after sharing some experience and introducing to each others.

on the way to up

the Anthargange temple...

the birds eye view @ mid night